
Our client was a leading financial services company that had established a reputation for providing innovative solutions to its clients. Despite its success, the company was facing significant challenges in attracting and retaining top talent in a highly competitive industry. The company recognised that its recruitment process needed an overhaul, but it lacked the internal expertise to make the necessary changes.

Team working


The company faced a number of challenges in attracting and retaining top talent. The company’s recruitment process was outdated and lacked the sophistication required to compete with other leading financial services companies. Additionally, the company’s reputation as a traditional financial services company made it difficult to attract the best candidates from emerging fintech startups. Furthermore, the company’s approach to talent management was fragmented, with little collaboration between departments and a lack of data-driven decision making.

“We were struggling to attract and retain top talent and we knew our recruitment process needed an overhaul. Skillfi provided the expertise and support we needed to revamp our approach to talent management and recruitment.”


The company turned to Skillfi for its expertise in recruitment process optimization and talent management. Skillfi began by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the company’s recruitment process and talent management approach, including an analysis of the company’s employer brand and value proposition. Based on this analysis, Skillfi developed a customized recruitment and talent management strategy that would help the company overcome its hiring challenges and improve its reputation as an innovative and attractive employer.

Skillfi’s strategy included a number of initiatives, including revamping the company’s employer branding, implementing a data-driven approach to talent management, and leveraging technology to streamline the recruitment process. Skillfi also worked closely with the company’s internal HR team to provide training and support, and to foster collaboration between departments.


Thanks to Skillfi’s expertise, the company was able to successfully revamp its recruitment process and talent management approach. The company’s employer branding was revamped to better appeal to top talent, resulting in a significant increase in applications from high-quality candidates. The implementation of a data-driven approach to talent management led to more effective and targeted hiring, resulting in a decrease in time-to-hire and an increase in retention rates. The company’s use of technology to streamline the recruitment process also led to significant cost savings.

The collaboration between Skillfi and the company’s internal HR team resulted in a more effective and efficient recruitment process, and fostered a culture of data-driven decision making and collaboration within the organization. The company was able to successfully compete with other leading financial services companies in attracting and retaining top talent, leading to increased profitability and sustained growth.


Skillfi’s expertise in recruitment process optimization and talent management enabled the company to overcome its hiring challenges and improve its reputation as an innovative and attractive employer. By implementing a customized recruitment and talent management strategy, the company was able to attract and retain high-quality talent, streamline its recruitment process, and foster a culture of collaboration and data-driven decision making. The company’s partnership with Skillfi highlights the importance of having a strategic talent acquisition partner to navigate the challenges of hiring in a competitive industry.

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